First, try signing up. Almost all stores have a sign-up email list to promote their latest deals and sales. Many of them also provide you with free store credit if you sign up. For example, Kohl’s gives customers five dollars off their purchase if they sign up. If you find a ten dollar toy that is on sale and you have your five dollar free credit, then you are essentially getting the toy for free! If this is done at all the stores you go to this season, it could save you a considerable amount of money! *Note* Create a separate email account for your shopping endeavors so your personal email box isn’t overrun with shopping advertisements.
Second, you can try referring friends. Many sites, such as Groupon, will give you credit if you refer a friend to their site or their daily deal. On Groupon, if you refer two friends to a deal, you can get up to twenty dollars in credit. Use this to buy a gift certificate to a cool restaurant for free! This is a quick and easy way to save money!
Third, you can earn rewards. Many companies offer reward systems for frequent customers. These rewards can add up and equal free presents! Amazon is a great example of this. Also, cashing in your rewards on things such as your credit card or frequent flyer cards can be turned into free holiday presents!
There is no reason that the holidays should be stressful, they should be joyous and loving in every way. Don’t let money and high prices bring you down this holiday season; try some of these tips and tricks!