1. Craigslist: Craigslist is utilized for many different reasons, but few are aware that craigslist has an entire section of the website dedicated solely to free items. Simply go to the “For Sale” section and click “Free” to check out all of the local deals in your area. You might be surprised by the things people give away: washers, dryers, couches, furniture, TV’s, clothes, etc. Generally the people giving this stuff away must turn it over quickly, therefore you would be required to pick it up, so using local listings is really the only practical option, unless other specific arrangements are made.
2. Freecycle: This site is dedicated to keeping perfectly usable items out of landfills. Many people throw away furniture and appliances that they do not need anymore and they end up crowding in landfills. Visit freecycle to utilize all of their free giveaways! You should be warned, however, that this site works on a give-and-take basis as opposed to a first-come-first-serve basis; if you take too much without giving in return, your membership could be cancelled.
3. eBay Classifieds: Like Craigslist, eBay also has a section of its website dedicated to free items. Simply click on the “Free Stuff” category. Some pretty valuable items can be found here such as baby cribs, landscaping rocks, furniture, etc.
4. Freenapkin: Unlike the other classifieds sites like eBay and Craigslist, this site is dedicated strictly to free things ONLY. This site in particular is very much local based; the people giving these items away do not want to deal with shipping, so you must be able to physically come and pick them up yourself.
5. BarterQuest: Another avenue to get things for free would be to consider bartering. Surely there are a few things lying around your house in which you wouldn’t miss and would be able to trade for. Many people on this site also trade services. For example, if you see someone has a pool table up for trade, and you don’t have anything equivalent material wise to trade, but you are a massage therapist or a lawyer, that person could potentially trade you the pool table in exchange for a massage or your legal advice.
*Safety Note* Always meet in a safe, public place, like a Starbucks parking lot, and NEVER go meet strangers alone!
The internet is an amazing resource that we all have at our fingertips that allows us to connect with people whom we have never met and gives us all the opportunity to better our lives for free by utilizing such amazing sites as discussed here.
Sources: FOX News