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1. Voluntary give up your seat
Because a lot of people miss their scheduled flights because they arrived late at the airport and missed the plane, were too sick to travel, or just couldn’t decide where to go, airlines devised a magnificent plan to maximize their profit.
How do they do it? Airlines offer financial incentives, oftentimes in the form of travel vouchers, to those who would be willing to give up their seat when everyone shows up and the flight is overbooked. To further your chance of receiving free plane ticket or travel voucher, volunteer to step off the plane before the airlines representative make the announcement.
2. Free airline ticket promotions
Look out for promotions offered by various airlines through different methodologies. One popular promotion is airline credit card subscription, which allows you to earn a free airline ticket if you spend a certain amount on the card.
Other promotions include a bundled vacation package in which you could get a free ticket if you maximize the length of your vacation to a specific destination.
You don’t have to spend all your hard-earned money to purchase a plane ticket for your vacation. Though you may need to be flexible with your time.